Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Israeli Right to Seize Flotilla ships

Early Monday morning six humanitarian aid ships sailing the Mediterranean Sea heading for Gaza were intercepted by Israeli naval forces because of advanced knowledge of these ships’ intention to violate the Israeli Blockade of Gaza. As Israeli commandos boarded the ships by helicopters, the passengers of one ship, the Turkish MV Mavi Marmara, responded violently to Israeli attempts to take over the ship. Video footage of this event shows the attackers attacking even before the first soldier even releases the fast rope. The soldiers who followed, were also attacked in the same manner. Soldiers were attacked with what appeared to have been stun grenades, Molotov cocktails, and iron pipes. 9 to 19 of the passengers were reportedly killed, with 60 others injured. Israel also suffered 10 injured.

I didn’t learn about this crises until I begin my daily debates with anti-Zionists/anti-Semites who on this particular day were especially excited. This event has given these forces more ammunition to be used in their demonization campaign against the Jewish state…..even though the video clearly shows the passengers as being the unlawful party. When I pointed this out to my irrational opponents they then claimed that Israel had no right to seize these ships in international waters…which is also untrue. You see the Flotilla had already stated in advance their intent to ignore the Israeli Blockade and deliver aid to Gaza without going through Israeli inspections. Therefore this pre-planned provocation gave Israel the right to seize these ships before they actually entered Gaza territory. You cannot defy such blockades set up to oust a regime like Hamas, that is internationally recognized as a terrorist organization committed to the extermination of the Israeli people. And in light of previous attempts of some countries to smuggle weapons to Hezbollah and to Palestinian Terrorist organizations under the cover of humanitarian aid, the Blockade is an appropriate method to prevent such sly operations.

The same annoying anti-Zionists made the claim that NATO searched the vessels before they sailed for Gaza and that Israel had no right to conduct their own search. I could not at that time refute that lie until I dug a little deeper and discovered that the Turkish government, a member of NATO claimed they conducted inspections. This was purposely misleading, NATO did no such thing, the Turks did. But the Turkish government is not a true ally of Israel and cannot be depended upon to safe guard Israeli Security….that responsibility belongs to the Israeli government….not the Turks or any other state.

Why the Blockade of Humanitarian Aid Vessels? Because as previously noted such weapon smuggling activities were conducted under humanitarian cover in 2002 and 2009. After the uncovering of UNRWA’s employment of Hamas terrorists and the use of their vehicles for weapons smuggling Israeli inspections now covers Aid agencies aid into Gaza. The Israelis must do what they have to do to stop a force dedicated to exterminating them. I say job well done Israel….well done.


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