Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Zionist Conspiracy Myths

Why is Israel such a hated state? Is it because of the “Occupation”? Many would say yes to that question, but Israel was even hated before the so-called Occupation. In fact, even before Israel was established the Jews of Palestine were regarded as a nuisance to both Arabs and the Brits alike. The Arabs saw Jews as invaders of Arab Palestine while the Brits saw them as annoying beggars, pleading for a Jewish state. In truth though, hatred for the Jews existed well before Zionism in both Europe and in the Arab world. Jews often found themselves the victims of pogroms due to such stupid inventions that held them responsible for plagues, and bad weather. The same holds true today. Today, most of the hatred against Israel arises from silly, eccentric conspiracy theories of supposed “Zionist” control of the entire globe. These Zionists, we are told, owns all Media, banks and even openly, or secretly, controls the world’s governments, for the sole benefit of Israel. The primary targets of these myth makers are the Rothschilds family, Jewish employees of the US Federal Bank, Jewish Private Bankers, and Jews in the various administrations in the White House…especially Jews in Republican administrations. I will show that these myths are false.

Myth #1 “Rothschilds created the Illuminati”. There is absolutely no evidence that Rothschilds created the Bavarian Illuminati. The Illuminati, a short-lived irreligious organization with goals to take over governments to destroy religion, was created in 1776. Rothschilds were at this time not owners of any banks, and were still living in the Jewish Ghetto in France. The Rothschilds clearly had nothing to do with the Illuminati.

Myth #2 “Rothschilds funded the Nazis”. This is a common belief among conspiracy theorists, but unfortunately for them this is not even remotely true. Not only didn’t Rothschilds fund the Nazis, the Nazis killed two members of the Rothschild family, confiscated their properties, and caused the Rothschild family to flee Germany. Henry Ford’s “International Jew” was a coded attack on the Rothschild family, which inspired the Nazis. This myth is easily disproved and yet it remains one of the most popular myths in the conspiracy world.

Myth #3 “Balfour Declaration reflects Rothschilds control of Britain”. Yes, this myth is also popular. While it is true that Lord Rothschild played a significant role in the making of this declaration, that called for a Jewish Homeland, Britain later rejected this document by replacing it with the 1939 White Paper, that would have made Jews civilians in another Arab state. Britain also resisted Jewish immigration to Palestine, and actually fought against the Israeli forces in the 1948 War of Independence under General Sir John Glubb Pasha, who commanded the Jordanian forces. This is sufficient evidence alone that proves Rothschild power over Britain is transparently non-existent.

Myth #4 “Zionists created the Holocaust to create Israel”. The primary argument to bolster this myth, is the “Hitler was part Jewish” lie. There are many Internet sites and books promoting this lie. Here is a quote from a sound source:

“There are some rumors hinting that Hitler's grandfather was Jewish. Few, if any, of the reputable historians on the Holocaust believe that this is so. It is more likely that Hitler tried to keep the murky history of his family quite secret because there was a high incidence of insanity and feeble-mindedness in his ancestors.
Rumors die hard, though.
One of Hitler's henchmen, Hans Frank, declared during the Nuremberg Trials in 1945-46, that Hitler's grandmother had worked in the town of Graz as a servant in the home of a Jewish family named Frankenberger. He further claimed that she was seduced by the head of the household and that Hitler's grandfather was the result of that liaison.
A subsequent analysis of Frank's statement by Simon Wiesenthal disclosed that there was no evidence of any Jewish family named Frankenberger ever living in Graz. What is more, Jews had been driven out of Graz in the 15th century and had not been allowed to return until 1856, nearly twenty years after Hitler's grandfather had been born.
Hitler's grandmother's maiden name was Schicklgruber. There is considerable evidence that this family produced abnormal progeny. Examples are: one of Hitler's relatives through his mother's side committed suicide in 1920, another, Aloisha had been placed in an insane asylum, another was "feeble-minded," and yet another was retarded.
According to the article from which I am quoting this material:
"Hitler's real fear, then, was not that someone would discover that he had a Jewish grandfather, but that it would someday come to light that he carried a hereditary disposition toward mental illness and retardation."
You might ask your English teacher to go to a good library and see the following article:
"Hitler's Family Secret: A file recovered from the Nazi Archives tells of a Gestapo investigation into the Fuehrer's murky family history." By: Ben S. Swearingen Civilization: The Magazine of the Library of Congress Volume 2, Number 2, Arcg/April 1995, pp. 54-55

Others seek to establish a link between Zionists and Nazis through such political negotiations between German Jews and the Nazi Regime, known as the Transfer Agreement. This agreement allowed 60,000 Jews to immigrate to Palestine in exchange for buying German export goods. This agreement had nothing to do with creating a Jewish state on the part of Germany, it was motivated by economic reasons. Germany had no intentions of aiding Jews in creating a Jewish state, as it is a documented fact that Nazi Germany and the Palestinian Leadership had forged an alliance to prevent the creation of a Jewish state by not only murdering the Jews of Europe, but those in the Middle East that included Palestine. It is unbelievable that in light of that fact the mythmakers continues with this false claim.

Myth #5 “Jews control the world banks”. Well my fellow conspiracy students I’m sorry to disappoint you but this to is false I’m afraid. Lets take a look at the top 10 banks in the world today to see who controls them:

Country Mkt Cap
bil. USD
1 ICBC China 169.6 2 China Construction Bank China 118.4 3 Bank of China 103.2 4 HSBC UK 91.4 5 JP Morgan Chase US 90.0 6 Wells Fargo US 62.6 7 Banco Santander Spain 53.6 8 Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Japan 52.5 9 Bank of Communications China 34.6 10 Intesa Sanpaolo Italy

There are only two banks from the US on that list and none from Israel. China banks are the top banks and yet Jews are accused of controlling International Finance. Such easily accessible information such as this prompts me to believe that conspiracy theorists are either lazy or they really want to believe that Zionist Jews controls the world banks. Why would they want to do that? Simple, to provide themselves with a pretense or justification for their hatred for Jews and Zionists….they need something to cover their feelings, so the “evil Jews controlling all the money” gives what they believe perfect cover for their racism. Another fact that dispels this myth is that the top banks located in China and Spain are in countries that are not pro-Israel…the state of Zionists.

Myth #6 “Zionists controls the Media”. This is another easily debunked myth, backed by the fact that Media isn’t exactly what I would term “pro-Israel”, with most major media outlets leaning towards the Palestinian Narrative. You will be hard pressed to find any news paper article or TV news report that does not label Israeli presence in Gaza and in the West Bank as “Illegal Occupation”, “Occupation”, “Illegal settlements” “Arab Jerusalem” “Arab land” etc. etc. Many of these same Media outlets refer to Hamas as militants rather than Islamic Jihadist terrorists. There have also been staged hoaxes of Israeli atrocities like the Al-Durra murder that was reported by all major Media outlets accusing Israel of intentionally killing a 12 year old boy before any investigations. This was later proved to be a hoax, which International Media still has failed to inform the public. There is a great expose done by Richard Landes titled “Pallywood” that documents the blatantly staged scenes that media reports as real news. In some instances in the raw footage possessed by Media, there are scenes that are actually choreographed that were still turned into real news. This shows that the Media isn’t as gullible as some suggest, but are actually willing participants in the framing of Israel through these nazi like propagandistic “balance news reports”. The Media therefore is clearly not controlled by Zionists. And let me add that a Media outlet Jewish owned does not mean that it is pro-Israel, just look at Charles Enderlin of France 2 who conspired with Palestinians to frame Israel in the Al-Durra case…..he is Jewish.

Myth #7 “Zionists controls the governments of the world”. I don’t know how anyone can believe this obvious, observable falsehood. I don’t even have to write but a few sentences on this. Look at the way the UN, the body of the world governments, consistently isolate, criticize, and in some cases threatens the Zionist state. When people claim that Zionists controls the world governments I ask then why doesn’t the world recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel? None of them have their embassies in Jerusalem and seeks a division of Jerusalem between Jews and Arabs, while Israel maintains its determination to keep Jerusalem as its undivided capital. Sounds like a huge disagreement between the Zionists and their supposed Gentile subjects. And there is really no need commenting on the implausibility of the theory that Zionists controls the Muslim world…because if they did those pesky rockets would not be raining down into southern Israel.

Conclusion: No, the Zionists are not in control of the world. And has it ever occurred to you that maybe that it is the world conspiring against the Zionists? There are tons more evidence to support this theory rather than the Zionist control the world theory.


P.S. Sugarhitman is a fusion of the names of two of my favorite boxers Sugar Ray Leonard and Tommy the Hitman Hearns….Sugarhitman. Has nothing to do with being an IDF assassin, which some of my opponents believes.

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